Connect to custom domain (Change CNAME)

  1. Game Details/Tournament Details pages

The brand user has ability to connect custom domain on Game Details/Tournament Details pages

  1. Subdomain verification

Start subdomain verification checking URL

URL requirements: Only the subdomain can be used.

Note: If the brand user enters the domain (not correct), the mistake appears.

Note: If the brand user enters the subdomain (correct), the green check mark appears.

  1. Process of loading DNS record

After successfully completing the URL checking process, the brand user needs to press the "Go live" button, and the process of loading the DNS record will begin.

Note: The message “The DNS address is loading…” appears after clicking “Go live” button only. This message is shown until DNS records have been generated.

  1. Connect button

Once DNS records have been generated the “Connect” button becomes active.

The brand user should add these DNS records to the brand domain management console and click the “Connect” button.

The button “Connect” opens in the progress status of the flow. This process requires about 15 minutes.

During this process the brand user can close the pop-up and review it again to check the status (button “View”)

  1. Connect process: do not add DNS record

If the brand user does not add a DNS record, we will send an email reminder after 24 hours.

  1. Connect process: operation error

In case of an error, we notify the brand user and ask to check the data.

The button Disconnect finishes the process and the brand user can start the process again.

We send an email notification too.

  1. Connect process - successful

In case of successful action, we notify the brand user via an email and a success notification

Disconnect process

The brand user can use the “Disconnect” button if there is some mistake in data, or decide not to create the custom link

Disconnection process usually requires 15 minutes

  1. Disconnect process: error notification

We notify the brand user about the error via notification and email letter, where we notify that we need some time to fix this issue

  1. Disconnect process: successful

If the brand user stays on the Disconnect pop-up - we inform on this pop up

Or the brand user can see it on the game/tournament details page - an initial state for this flow (button “Connect”).

Also, we notify about successful operations via email

Last updated