
Follow the steps below to set up the plugin for your WordPress website.

WordPress plugin setup

  1. Download the WordPress plugin. You will have to install it on your WordPress website.

  2. Login to your Wordpress website admin panel. Click Plugins in the left menu and select Add New Plugin option:

  1. Select Upload Plugin to start a manual uploading:

  1. Upload zipped plugin and click the Install Now button:

  1. Once the plugin is installed, click the Activate Plugin button:

  1. After that, the plugin becomes accessible in the Plugins section of the WordPress admin panel:

  1. Also, WinDay Games page is added into your WordPress admin panel. There are 3 tabs which are: General settings, Desktop Settings, and Mobile settings.

    In General settings, you need to paste your Brand ID:

  1. Return to the Add New Website popup and copy your Brand ID:

  1. Go back to the WordPress panel and paste your Winday Brand ID into the General Settings tab.

  2. In Desktop settings tab, there are additional settings that are optional and provide additional adjustments for the plugin appearance on the website from desktop devices:

  1. Mobile settings tab is also optional and provides additional adjustments for the plugin appearance on the website from mobile devices:

  1. Click the Save Changes button. The request will be sent to verify your website:

  1. Return to the Add New Website popup in the Brand Panel and click the Refresh button. Your website should appear in the list below:

  1. Click the Accept button next to your site address to complete the synchronization. Then click the NEXT button below to finish:

  1. Also, the verification state will be displayed in the WordPress panel:

Now, the plugin button should appear on your website.

Last updated