
Follow the steps below to set up the plugin for your Joomla website.

Joomla plugin setup

  1. Download the Joomla Plugin. You will have to install it on your Joomla website.

  2. Login to your Joomla website admin panel. Open System > Manage > Extensions page:

  1. Press the Install Extension button:

  1. Drag and drop the zipped plugin into the upload area or click a corresponding button to upload the file. After the fine is uploaded, you should receive an “Installation of the plugin was successful.” message.

  1. Then, go to the Manage Extensions and search for a Winday plugin. You will see that the plugin is installed, but not enabled. Press the “crossed” gray button to enable a plugin:

  1. After it's clicked, it turns to green, enabled state:

  1. Then, go to System > Manage > Plugins and find a Winday plugin using search:

  1. Click the plugin name to open a settings page. There are 3 tabs which are: General settings, Desktop Settings, and Mobile settings. In General settings, you need to paste your Brand ID:

  1. Return to the Add New Website popup and copy your Brand ID:

  1. Go back to the Joomla panel and paste your Winday Brand ID into the General Settings tab.

  2. In Desktop settings tab, there are additional settings that are optional and provide additional adjustments for the plugin appearance on the website from desktop devices:

  1. Mobile settings tab is also optional and provides additional adjustments for the plugin appearance on the website from mobile devices:

  1. Click the Save button. The request will be sent to verify your website:

  1. Close the Joomla admin panel and open your website.

  2. Return to the Add New Website popup in the Brand Panel and click the Refresh button. Your website should appear in the list below:

  1. Click the Accept button next to your site address to complete the synchronization. Then click the NEXT button below to finish:

Now, the plugin button should appear on your website.

Last updated