Publish in Mobile App

After an instant or a tournament game is published, it can be integrated into a mobile application.

Plugin Integration

  1. Create a component where you open a WebView corresponding to the technology that is used in the application.

What is WebView?

  1. Use the game link from the Game Details page:

  1. Add the following parameter at the end of the link:

  1. When the user clicks on the close button, the plugin will send a message with the text exit-mobile-plugin

const exitPluginFun = (event: MessageEvent) => { 
const data =; 
if (data === 'exit-mobile-plugin') { iframe.remove(); } 
window.removeEventListener('message', (event) => exitPluginFun(event)); 
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => exitPluginFun(event));

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