User Account

Create Account

To create an account on Winday, go to the Sign Up screen and enter your email address, create a password, and confirm the password. On the next stage, enter your name and surname, then enter the security code sent to your email. On the last step, you have the option to upload a photo. This step is optional.

Sign in with Google

Another option to create the account is to sign in with Google account.

Change Email

You can change your email address on your Winday account. Go to the Profile screen within your account and make the necessary updates.

Change Password

To change your password on your Winday account, go to the Profile screen within your account and make the necessary updates.

Delete Account

To delete your Winday account, please contact our customer support team. We will be able to assist with your request. However, we hope you enjoy using Winday for your business and will not need to delete your account.

Support team email:

Last updated